Do you feel nervous before an interview? If so, the feeling is completely natural.
In today’s video, I share a story about a recent client of mine who had his first interview in decades.
Interview Success – My Client’s Story
This client was a senior software engineer who had worked for the same company for 20 years.
He was approaching 60, and while he was a youthful 60-year-old, he was very concerned about interviewing.
And who can blame him?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average job tenure is 4.6 years, and if you’re over the age of 45, it’s even longer.
Bottom line, we do not interview very often.
When my client approached me for help with his interview, he had already done his research on the company and the hiring manager. He even highlighted the job description and created interview questions for me to ask him.
But I also had my own questions ready.
Despite my attempts to catch him off guard, he had a solid answer for every question asked. He had done his research well.
But after our mock interview, he asked me if I could tell he was nervous. In his own words, he said he was “sweating bullets.”
This question really caught me by surprise because all I saw was in him was his confidence.
The point I wish to make is research does really help.
Do your homework and researching the company, the hiring manager, and the job description.
You will be surprised just how confident you will come across to that hiring manager.
That is what happened in this Interview Success – My Client’s Story

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